Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Unknown / Inconnu
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English Pilot: Dick Eipper
Person on left of photo is Steve Wilson who worked in Eipperformance company later.
The wing is an version of Bat-Glider with changes for sure. Taras Kiceniuk made a Batso version with a change from Bat-Glider (published plans by Jim Foreman....which themselves were developed from photos and notes given Foreman by Richard Miller of Millers's earlier Bamboo Buttfly). Eipper's Penninsula Hang Gliding crew made the bamboo and polyethelene glider to fly off the Torrance Beach sand cliffs in 1971.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Ef5
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English My instructor - Graham John had the company Skyland Kites and manufactured and sold a range of hang gliders from about 1975 to 1980 on the Gold Coast of Australia. He had an EF5 in his shop and if I recall correctly may have manufactured a few.

The EF5 was mostly a Manta Fledge copy with a few modifications. Much later about 1985 a friend purchased a used one which I flew a few times.
Like all the older tip rudder controlled rigid wings it was a bit difficult to ground handle in wind as rudder application dragged the tips back - not down. Also roll lagged yaw a bit - ie the wing would yaw first then roll. But in the air it was much more responsive than the flex wings of the day (pre billow shift).

I'd say the LD was around 11:1 which was quite respectable for the time.

Harnais Harnais : Flex
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English I live in Australia have 2 flex harnesses and they came in quite a few different versions over the years. Both of mine have chest mounted chutes 1 with in flight head up adjustment 1 without. They maybe a bit draggy but man are they comfortable:)

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Ef5
Français L'EF5 est un rigide australien conçu par Ewen Fagan. Très similaire au Manta Fledging, il a été vendu sous forme de plan et de kit par son concepteur. Il a été plus tard (début des années 80) vendu par Skyland Kites, Qld.
Pilotage similaire au Fledge.

Informations tirées du site web Rigid Wing Models.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Aggony
Français Cette aile est en fait une construction amateur basée sur un Exxtacy.
Le pilotage se fait en position assise. Herb, le constructeur, a rajouté des gouvernes type Fledge actionnées avec les spoilers par des poignées tournantes.
L'aile aurait au moins volé une fois, démontrant un taux de roulis supérieur à celui de l'Exxtacy. (source site web Rigid Wing Models)
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Apex
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English Here two mails coming from the website Rigid Wing Models :

"From a posting in the Hang Gliding Digest sometime in 1995 (?):

Heh! For all of you rigid wing fans- I just saw the Apex fly at Crestline today! This comes less than one week after helping a Swift to launch in the Owens. Hmm. There must be some kind of rigid wing convergence going on here!

Anyway (not knowing much about these craft) I would say that the Apex is much closer to a hang glider than the Swift. I don't know what it weighs, but it seemed much easier to foot launch/land than the Swift. It looked pretty cool. It has a 42' span and short chord giving it about a 10:1 aspect ratio. It was buzzing around pretty effectively in the abundant lift. It has a D-tube structure at the leading edge and dacron at the trailing. Unlike the Swift, though, the leading edge is not structural. The D-tube stops short leaving a fiberglass fairing to absorb the impact of an ungraceful landing. I bet such a bonk would be expensive in a Swift. Anyway, it was fun chasing it around the sky.



"From: DavidRSw [SMTP:  ]
Sent: Friday, May 01, 1998 8:09 PM
To: 'Rigid Wing Digest'
Subject: Status of Apex rigid wing project

Last Labor Day, Danny Howell, the designer of the Apex, offered me the use of the molds to build another Apex. They had been stored in Mitch McAleer's workshop for the previous 2 years. With the help of Mitch and Roy, we were able to move the wing mold clam shells and the spar tools up to Roy Bailets' hanger in Mojave. Danny & I have been spending more time on the Light Hawk Light Sailplane project lately, so the Apex has been sitting. We have been able to get a few things done though. Floyd Fronius is currently machining the redesigned root fittings that will allow the wings to fold in the usual hang glider fashion and carry the loads of the 42 ft. span in just 16% chord D-tube. In the next 2 weeks we will have the final lay-up schedule done and wing molds prepared for the skin lay-up. Roy & I should be able to schedule this within the weekend following the mold prep. Fungus is really hard to get that perfect finish...;-))

This new Apex will have the same 42 ft. span with rudder tips. Danny always wanted to put some spoilers on the upper surface near the tips, just like the Exxtacy has. We can do it with 5 sq. ft. in each spoiler. I will cover the entire wing (including D-tube) with Poly Fiber P-106 fabric and 2 light coats of Poly Brush. The smaller and lighter D-tube will still have a forward and aft spar. Spar caps are pultruded carbon bar stock. These changes have resulted in a calculated 80 lb. glider. The orginal Apex had a 135 fpm minimum sink rate and the spoilers will make it easier to turn and ground handle. The Exxtacy is very easy to launch compared to the original Apex. The Apex wing alone, without a pilot suspended below it, has a calculated 28:1 glide. The pilot will lower it to around 18:1. So who has the drag butt? Oops, drag bucket!

After this first new Apex, I'd like to have Roy build more, for whatever they will cost him in materials and labor. No, don't ask for one just yet. I'll let you'all know what it costs me after I get this first one finished. Does anyone know how to get more than 24 hrs. out of a day?

The Apex is in Mojave and the Light Hawk is in Lake Elsinore. Each are 90 miles from my home. Some weekends show close to 400 miles traveled without a minute of air time. This has got to change and soon. The original Apex had some damage after a truck tow ended with the Apex upside down and still attached by the nose safety line. One rudder damaged which Chuck Rhodes rebuilt and the tow rig frame bent beyond repair. How would any of you like to take a truck tow ride in a glider with the safety nose line still attached?

Considered up to date...

Dave Swanson"

The Apex was built by Danny Howell, Monte Westlund, Lonnie Fiester, Mitch McAleer, & Floyd Fronius, to name a few.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Reflex
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English I suppose there is mistake in the wing span of C1, it's hard to believe that it could be 16 meters :)

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Conex 001
Français Je ne suis pas le créateur du Conex,mais son pilote d'essai.C'est un groupe de la Motte d'Aveillans avec a sa tète, un gendarme a la retraite, qui l'a construit,avec des profils polystyrènes emmanchés sur des tubes d'alu et recouverts de mylar.On m'a demandé de le faire voler.En l'absence de terrain adéquat pour petits essais, nous sommes montes sur le Conex.Des le décollage l'aile a tiré a droite,tout droit vers le lac de St Eynard, 1000 mètres dessous. Sans aucun dispositif de mise en virage, la seule ressource fut d'augmenter la glissade pour me crasher dans la foret.
Le deuxième essai après ajout d'ailerons sur l'extrados fut effectué sur le site de Chamoux.
J'avais bricole un parachute avec un vieux ventral militaire au cas ou. Je n'ai pas eu a m'en servir, l'aile étant stable. Mais toujours aussi ingouvernable.Le troisième avatar, votre photo,a été présenté lors des championnats du monde de 1979, a St Hilaire du Touvet.Les ailerons en bout d'aile permettaient de déclencher un virage, tout de suite suivi d'une glissade latérale impressionnante.J'ai abandonné les essais pour me consacrer a la compétition qui a vu notre sacre de champions du monde par équipe.
Cette aile fut ensuite rachetée par M.Mirouze pour un musée.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Delta Super
Français A vue d'oeil, le delta super ressemble beaucoup plus à la copie du médium Tecma de l'époque, On aperçoit bien la transversale flottante sur la photo. Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Harrier
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English The Harrier 177 was the first wing I owned. The earlier comment about scratching capability really hit home. This wing would climb on a beer f*rt. And turn? Power steering. But I never, not once, landed it well. I'm sure it could be landed well - I just never practiced landing - I was soaring it too much!
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