Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Spirale
Français Sans blague?
Elle est vraiment pas adapté pour grand vols. Pas de floating,pas de cordes de rappel.

Uniquement pour pente école,quelques metres distance sol.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Spirale
Français Envoyer traduction
English je vais en aquerir une tres bientot pour voler en montagne, avez vous plus d'infos sur cette aile ?

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Kite
Français ok je suis interesse par ce manuel et pour avoir tout info sur cette aile
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Phoenix Streak
Français The Streak was a revolutionary design for Bill Bennett Kites. It featured a very wide nose angle, floating "trunc" tips, and a high percentage of double surface. The most unique feature was that the bottom surface was not sewn to the top surface at the rear. Instead, it "floated", and was only attached to the upper surface by means of the lower ribs being inserted through webbing loops on the top surface. Removing the lower ribs allowed the entire bottom surface to separate. Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Talon 2 (T2)
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English The T2 is about the finest glider Wills Wing has developed. Handling is light and predictable, performance is second to none. Usually there are things about gliders that i think could be improved, something added, something removed, but with the T2, it is just right as it is!

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Speed
Français Envoyer traduction
English The Speed was a design developed by UP Europe, intended to be an easy t fly, high performance glider. The downside of this glider was that the crossbar met the leading edge relatively inboard as compared to other similar designs. his allowed the leading edges to much flex, so while the handling was great, upper speed performance suffered from leading edge flex.

Harnais Harnais : Up
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English This photo shows the UP Pod, which was designed to minimize drag for XC competitions. It was immortalized in Aoli, Comet Clones and Pod People, a wonderful film about hang gliding in the Owens valley in the early 80's. That film is now available on DVD. Check out the website:

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Aolus
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English The Aolus was the first version of this planform from Spectra Aircraft. It had an extremely wide nose angle to minimize spanwise flow and maximize span efficiency. The tail was added to provide for pitch stability which would be lost due to the minimal sweep in the wings. A double surfaced, internal crossbar design followed, called the Sonic.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Seagull 3
Français Envoyer traduction
English I have a buddy that has a seragull 3 new in the box, Is it even safe to fly, being as old as it is? and how old is it !!@! He alsaw has a delta wing glider, new in the box.. They are cheap to get ahold of, but are they worth any thuing.. Thanks  

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Kite
Français J'ai le manuel du Kite chez moi, cela vous intéresse? Envoyer traduction
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