Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Super Swallowtail
Français Envoyer traduction
English My 1st glider. Wish I still had it. 20 kg of pure enjoyment!

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Skyhawk
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English My 2nd HG. Often top of the soaring pack. Great glider, great fun!

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Contact
Français Bonjour,

La "contact" se différenciait de la "feder", par le système de fixation de l'embase de trapèze.
Sur la "feder" et le "Shuss", c'était une bloc plastique coulissant identique à la Vampire 2.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Sensor 510
Français Envoyer traduction
English I have a digital copy of the September-October 1983 Whole Air magazine in my computer, and there is an ad of Seedwings for the 510-165. There most be something wrong with your dates.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Seagull 3
Français je possédais une aile seagull 11 meter. Il ne me reste que la voile, quelqu'un s'est occupé à scier les tubes pour un autre usage, bref...Donc, je cherche à savoir s'il est possible de retrouver tous les tubes de ce deltaplane. (ce n'est pas pour voler, c'est juste par nostalgie) Merci de me répondre... Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Merlin
Français Envoyer traduction
English i flew a Merlin because it was the first dual surface glider.... In this age i am a bit shocked to see how rudimentary it was!! with the thin tubes and outriggers!!! but i loved it. had no major crashes outside my own stupidity.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Firebird C12
Français hi there ! looking for Firebird C11 or C12
if anyone got please let me know , photo taken in interlaken i guess ? many thanx
cherche Firebird c11 ou c12 me contacter
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Firebird C11
Français hi there ! looking for Firebird C11 or C12
if anyone got please let me know , photo taken in interlaken i guess ? many thanx
cherche Firebird c11 ou c12 me contacter
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Sport 3
Français Wills wing a fait fort, plus perf que le sport 2, légère, évidente à piloter, facile à poser.
un régal , on est proche de la perfection
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Discus C
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English I know that my discus B has aluminium battens yet my mates discus C has battens that are a carbon aluminium hybrid. Essentially after the leading edge radius they the straight portion becomes carbon.I haven't checked the profile as mine is a 15 and his is a 14
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