Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Explorer
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English This is being discussed at OZ Report:
Plans or manual are invited. Thanks.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Target
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English The Target was the second glider that I owned. It is very easy to rig, forgiving in flight, easy to tow and hill launch. Yes it packs down to 6 feet, but that is not the sort of thing you will want to do too often. Landing this thing is great, if you are too high just stuff the bar and it comes down nicely. It can be a bit lively ground handling in strong conditions and penetration lacks. Overall a great glider for someone out of school or for someone looking for stress free easy flying.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Seagull Ten Meter
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English It appears I have one of these (seagull 10 meter) without a harness but I need someone with experience to help me figure out what I can do with this. I am not sure how to rig it and don't know how to fly (hang gliders that is) I do have a private pilots license.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Xtralite
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English I have owned a XLT164 for 7 years and have flow all over the Alps, on aerotow regularly @ 40mph according to our tug pilot and winched hundreds of times, very predictable & stable glider that fly's well, requires a small amount of VB for Aerotow or will yaw above 45mph, the only down side can be a bit slow in turns.
But all in all a very well made and predictable glider with no vices

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Vulcan
Français Bon je sais ça commence à dater mais il n'est jamais trop tard pour rectifier mon énorme bourde sur le nom du constructeur du Vulcan (celui que j'ai baladé) : Hiway Hang Gliders et non Delta Wing Kites and Gliders comme je l'ai bêtement laissé lire (les puristes auraient pu me reprendre cela ne m'aurait pas gêné ;)
J'ai aussi oublié de dire qu'un seul vol (sur la douzaine effectuée) m'a laissé un souvenir impérissable, vol à Salin les bains, qui en 5 coups de pied au fesses (puissants mais étrangement rassurants), m'ont fait prendre 500 mètres au dessus du décollage, s'en suivi 1h30 de soaring le long du mont Poupet !
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Seagull Ten Meter
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English I owned a custom 10.5 sq meter Seagull Glider and logged over a 146 hrs on this aircraft.Located in Vernon BC Canada a hangliding meca at that time there where so many pilots and glider designs to compare with. The performance of the 10 meter allowed myself to thermal with ease and with a quick roll rate was awesome for low G aerobatics. The deflexer system on the leading edge worked great for performance tuning. As a former Seagull dealer and instructor it was a sincere pleasure to have that line of gliders and manufacture support.

Peter York

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Firefly
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English I have the prototype of this model. the sail is rather heavy and all black. If you need any measurements, I can set it up to get them. It flew well though I haven't set it up in many years.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Top Secret
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English My 4th Rigid wing after a Ghostbuster, Aeros Phantom, Atos V and now this. I went for a Top Secret which has had the Tsunami twist, has a carbon T tail and control frame. I love the rigging, the weight and ground handling. All these features best of what I have had so far. Turning is fast for spoilerons (ailerons fastest)and handling benign, including landing. Seems to go well compared with the rest. A great glider that you can live with and innovations, such as the D sections that still outshine the current crop. Pity Gerard did not continue with this glider...

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Independent
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English Europe Sails Independent has no finished DHV test. The cannot / does not want to effort the cost.

The glider itself is easily within the (2006-2007)range of performance of similar topless gliders. Due to the small manufacturing which is far from beeing serial manufacturing (2-3 gliders/year are made)the company uses parts from other manufacturers. But particularly Carbon Parts are made in House in very professional and high quality way. This glider features unique Carbon wing-tips which are big, extremely stable and - affordable. The manufacturer makes the setup of the glider according to the personal experience and wishes of the pilot.
Performance and Flight characteristics depend on the setup: The sail can be stretched up to drumhead hardness. Such way the glider is extremely good gliding, for sure competitive also in high performance environment. On the other hand, I personally use a rather relaxed set up. I drove the WW Sport before and the change to this glider was very easy. Nevertheless, the performance is still very good: In 2008 Angerer Open I arrived in middle field although: 1) glider at easiest set up 2) VG released all the time 3) first partecipation at the event 4) old harness. There were many "high competition" litespeeds, Combats and Laminars behind me.
I would recommend to buy the glider if somebody does not worry the missing DHV test. It is 100% safe, easy to handle, quality of sail is OK, made with love and offers a good performance.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Target
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English I trained using this glider and also bought is as my first glider. It has many nice details in the design. It has easy and predictable handling and tows great.

Great first glider.
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