Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Seagull 3
Français Envoyer traduction
English Here it is 2010 and I just set up my old Seagull 3 in the driveway. I flew this glider in 1974-75 in the San Diego area: Torrey Pines, Sorrento Valley, and Black Mountain mostly. I also spent a lot of time at Little Mountain in San Bernadino. A hang gliding friend took me for a ride in a sailplane at Torrey Pines in early '75 and my hang gliding days were numbered. With the exception of the times I used it for shade at a sailplane competition, this glider has been hanging on the ceiling of my folks garage since then. It's in amazingly good shape.

I found the Seagull 3 to be easy to launch with it's huge wing area and very stable. I can remember making turns where I would hold one side of the control bar at arms length in the opposite hand. I have a film of myself stalling at about 10 feet and dropping in, uh not during one of these turns. We didn't have much training back then. I never learned to soar it. That came in a 2-33 and progressing on to an ASW-20. It was a good second generation glider. I occasionally have an itch to try one of the new ones.


Deltaplane Deltaplane : Nuage
Français j'en avais un je n'ai pas bien aimé cette aile, lourd et chiant a poser Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Spirale
Français Envoyer traduction
English Oui c'est ca il y a 2 cordeleetes de rappel, et les lattes plattes ... une mise en drapeau est possible ? comment ? a cause d'un manque de rigidité de la toile ??

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Spirale
Français Il y avait le spi ecole en deux tailles qui etaient oficiellement pour le meme poids piote,80kg max.
Il y avait le spi biplace qui decollait et atterrsait comme un fleur mais pilotait comme une porte en chene massif. Et aussi le spi grand vol avec floatings et deux cordes de rappel. Quand meme celle ci est pas a l abri des mises en drapeau a cause des lattes en plastique non profilees.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Spirale
Français non mais si la mienne a les floatings et une quinzaine de lattes, car il ya plusieurs modeles, il ya la spirale "ecole" et la spirale normale qui se raproche largement plus du medium. Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Sensor 610 Cf4
Français Bonjour, serait'il possible d'utiliser cette photographie dans un livre sur les inventions ?
merci de votre aide, cordialement
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Merlin
Français Envoyer traduction
English I do not remember the specs for the Merlin, but I can say that it was a pleasure to fly. In fact I learned to fly on a Merlin.
The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum has a Merlin on display.

Harnais Harnais : Smoking Race 2
Français I fully agree with william's comment, including the last one on getting vertical for landing. Some ways I have found to improve this :
- get upright soon on final, to be able to pull on the downtubes (getting upright) and then release the pull hoping to stay vertical enough for a regular landing
- use the upper holes in the back-plate to be more vertical
- tighten the rope on the back-plate to make the friction system look more like a slider-on-bar (caution : this change the suspension height & to be used at your own risks !)
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Harnais Harnais : Smoking Race 2
Français Envoyer traduction
English this is an extremely comfortable harness to fly in. the standard of finish is good, the angle of dangle is adjusted by flicking legs up and pulling down on basebar to adjust position on the chord and pulley system fitted (friction holds you in position
the only downside I have experienced is coming out of prone for landing I find I have to hang off of uprights to get upright enough to flare and therefore loose the feel of when to flare resulting in untidy landings

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Foil
Français Envoyer traduction
English Sorry, the date is an error. I meant to write that I flew my Foil160B between 1990-92. She tended to be difficult with yaw at stupid airspeeds but I'm still. I learnt. She listened. I still have an Enterprise Wings sticker.
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