Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Seagull 3
Français Envoyer traduction
English First of all congratulations for your web site. For all of us who has been flying for around 30 years it's good to review some old "machines".
Just for your information when I clicked on Seagull picture to enlarge it I saw a Seagull 10 meters. I think you can both updated this picture and use Seagull 10 to open a new window.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Seagull 3
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English After looking at the enlarged photo I noticed many differences between my seagull III and the picture. Mine had no vertical stabilizer or battens. It also came with a plastic swing seat with a little seat belt, so I sat up straight. I also have a reference set of plans of the Seagull I and II which look like 90 degree wings with no curved leading edge. I hope this helps. Sincerely, Mark

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Highster
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English The Highster was built in Oakland Ca. by Mike Giles. It was a a 90% double surface glider with triple deflexers (wing truss wires). These wires where adjusted with out turnbuckles. They where adjusted by turning over the outer tangs which would tighten the winding of one cable and lossen the other. For increased strenth, the cross bar was inner sleeved with out pop rivets. Later versions had a floating cross bar. Highster used Manta hardware and was considered the flex wing side of Manta when Manta swithched over to making the Fledge. Highster was named after a fork lift because it was a "Heavy Lifter". The most common size was 190 square feet. During peak demand for the Highster, some where manufactured in Sacramento, Ca. It was easy to set up, with all the nice Manta hardware, good static balance, but a bit stiff to fly. The floating cross bar helped the handling. Glide was poor for a 90% double surface glider due to the triple set of wires out in front of the leading edge. The glider could be easliy spun and this was an accepted thermalling practice when the pilot was tired.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Exo 7
Français Aile avec peu de rappel au neutre, performante pour l'époque, tendance à se mettre en glissade si pas pilotée correctement. Nécessite un pilotage correct, actif, mais aile légère et très plaisante une fois comprise. Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Discus
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English easy to land hangglider large flare window ,no high siding in thermal, good climbing and performance wery easy to speed up

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Amour
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English Had one from 40-400 hrs. Light to carry. Mine had tendency to drop a wing on landing. After consultation with other pilots, believe that some land well, others don't. On light wind landings, my glider felt to resist the flare, followed by a tip stall, with the stalled wing catching. Apparently 'de-tuning' the tips helps, as does 'landing' 2m above the ground (out of ground effect?). Otherwise, very nice glider.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Clubman
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English Comes in 3 sizes, 140, 160 and 180, of which the uncertified 180 was supposed to be the nicest. Flew 3 examples for total of about 40 hours. Takes off and lands easy. Largely viceless, except for stiff handling, which can lead to being tipped ridgewards in an alarming fashion when scratching in thermic conditions. Tendency to leave non-Clubman pilots with sore arms after a good thermal flight, but climbs well. Tends not to go well into wind, as you might expect from this era of glider. Used to be used as a post-school glider in Britain and great for that (no subtlety required), with due regard to being turned ridgewards. Last Arial Arts Clubman was made a very long time ago, production then being taken up by Avian, who stopped making them a long time ago...

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Combat 2
Français Pour ma part :
Aile de très grande performance, mais relativement facile à comprendre.Décollage facile ~1.2m etarquee.Dans le thermique ~0.5m etarquee (Sinon elle va te jetter hors de la pompe).En accro ~completement etarquee (attention au surpilotage:tendance a faseyer).A l'attero ~1m etarquee (prévoir un grand champ au début, mais avec le drag elle se pose facilement) Bref une très bonne aile !
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Quartz
Français J'ai volé de 1987 à 1991 avec une Quartz.
Nous étions de nombreux pilotes du sud-est volant avec cette aile. Cette aile était distribuée, et je crois même construite par Pro-Delta, dans le sud-ouest.
Elle a été très utilisée en ULM également. Je te joins une photo (moi au déco de St André...) de cette époque, snif. C'était une aile facile, qui se posait partout et solide…
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Alpha
Français Quel type de chariot pour ton alpha et quel moteur. Peut-on adapter facilement un chariot sous une aile (centrage masse surface)Je vole en paramoteur et je desirerai passer au pendulaire pour voler un peu plus vite et plus souvent. Quel est la durée de vie de ce type d'aile.
Merci pour ta réponse.
Tel 05/56/21/49/96 ou 06/30/17/92/65
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