Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Trx
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English I demo'd smaller TRX, exceptional glider! Fast and responsive. The easiest landing high performance glider to date.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Delta Super
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English The diference the super delta has a crosbar flow, a better turn, i been fling for tree years.
slow nice landing.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Spectre
Français Le Spectre est une aile de construction amteur réalisée par un suise, Laurent Zahn. Tous les détails sur son site :
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Litespeed S
Français Excellent compromis perfo/maniabilitée. Avec mes 69kg je suis au poids idéal pour les 13,4m annoncés pour la S 3,5 ce qui est important. Les décos et atteros ne posent aucuns problèmes meme par vent quasi nul (si il y à problème ça ne vient pas d'aile!) Le comportement en l'air est très sain dans toutes les configurations, le rappel au neutre présent juste comme il faut mais cela dépend evidemment des réglages des ballestrons et de la tension de l'overdrive. Celui-ci offre une aisance de manipulation déconcertante (comparativement aux anciens litespeed) Son efficacitée est aussi à souligner et il est à utiliser avec parcimonie en fonction des conditions du moment. (voir article de Raymond Caux dans vol passion n°63)
A noter aussi toute une combinaison de réglages très sensibles et importants afin d'obtenir le meilleur compromis à n'effectuer qu'avec une personne compétente (surtout concernant les ballestrons et les excentriques de BA).
La litespeed est une bonne aile, la litespeed S en est une évolution significative.
ULTEAM en assure la revente et le service.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Alfa
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English Alfa is my product, VEGA Drachenbau

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Comet
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English I still have it. It's a good glider

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Rumour 2
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English Oh, and there are 14 top battens (15 inc static one), 2 tip battens and 6 undersurface battens - 23 in total.

I think I might even have the original manual kicking around here somewhere, which I could scan and send if anyone wants it.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Rumour 2
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English I still fly a Rumour 2 (yesterday in fact) - it's a lovely wing. For some reason, I read the data off the certification on the keel during packing yesterday, and if I recall correctly it stated that the maximum pilot weight was 88kg, that stall speed was 13mph, with maximum speed 50mph. If I remember, I'll check (and photograph it) next time I fly and send it in to get the above data updated.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Shark
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English I have owned a Shark 144 for 6 years and have done 62 hours on it mostly in 2002 to 2004. I absolutely love this glider. The transition from a Calypso was no problem. The build quality of this glider is superb, it is easy to rig either flat or on the A frame, it's a joy to fly and land. It can be thermalled even with the VB fully pulled on, so not the tightest highest performing sail, but the compromise is inspirational.
VB is cam type so the wing wires always remain tight which is fantastic for ground handling and confident take offs.
I have aerotowed it, winched it, and flown it from Chabre/Laragne,Annecy, St Hilaire and Piedrahita. Even in rough air this glider inspires confidence. For a good all round kingposted glider I feel the Shark would be very difficult to beat.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Rhoenadler
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English The Rhoenadler was designed and built by Walter Hempe,living close to the Wasserkuppe, in 1975.
The first version was the small type. Walter won the first Wasserkuppe contest, in `76 he built the bigger version and won again.

The 17m² Rhoenadler was my second homebuilt glider after the Valkyrie.
It looked like inspired by Phoenix 6B (Bill Bennett). S-shaped keeltube, fixed crossbar, no keel-pocket. 3-fold outrigger. No profile in the sail-cut, flexible battens.No luff-lines..
No. 3 batten was 20mm Aluminium tube, profiled and free-floating upwards. Downward movement was blocked to give a min. fixed washout.
Compared with "THE" state-of-art glider those days, the UP Dragonfly and its countless clones,the Rhoenadler was much more foregiving, no tendency to tip stalls. (" radial wingtips" )
Anyway, soaring half an hour was like half-hour workout in the gym.

I shared the Rhoenadler with my brother, that`s why we built another one. This time the older, smaller version..
Inspired by La Mouette`s Exo7, we got rid of the outriggers to reduce parasitic drag. Instead, we used 2 meter inner sleeves in the leading edge tubes. And we introduced profiled battens ( steam-formed wood ).

It was defenitely better than the first one. Eqipped with only a Hall tube and Barigo Altimeter, I reached 1300m above takeoff in june `79 in Campo Tures, Italy. Total airtime up to then 30 hours, 200 flights, on 100m hills.

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