Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Xtralite
Français Envoyer traduction
English Just got one for free with 20 hours on it 👍nice glider

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Cyclone
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English Wing Root= 7ft 6ins
Wing Span= 36ft 0ns
Wing Area= 180 Sq ft

Deltaplane Deltaplane : First
Français Super aile excellente dans tous les domaines un regal en thermique ,seul petit defaut la vitesse
en occasion vraiment l aile à ne pas rater.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Stinger
Français Envoyer traduction
English i saw it at ulladulla nsw australia in the 1970's one of the first ones by moyes i bought a swallow tail next came the maxi .... i am trying to revive the original standard moyes made back then but with preformed batons and luff lines and compression baton dive stick roach tips and preformed nose baton and v/b and quick set up in other words like a modern glider but a remake of the original rogallo ... skeatesy bubbygoddess 2020

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Ixbo
Français l'angle de nez est de 148° (constructeur)
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Skyrunner
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English span: 10.2 m
sail surface: 14.2 m²
ascpect ratio: 7.3
double sail: 90 %
weight: 32.8 kg
allowed start weight: 100-150 kg


Deltaplane Deltaplane : Alpha
Français Envoyer traduction
English I have an ALPHA in very good condition, it's a 240. I'm trying to get photo's posted but no luck yet. I have no info at all

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Astir
Français Oups !
Mon dernier Astir neuf date de juin 2019.
Il se pourrait que ce soit l'un des derniers.
C'est bien dommage...
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Lancer 4
Français Envoyer traduction
English I took up hang gliding in Arlington, Texas of all places when I was a student at UTA in 1981. My instructors were Warren Richardson and later Loren Prescott. Gary Scheer was the co-owner of the shop in town. After lessons on the Trinity River levees in Dallas, I went all in and bought a brand new Flight Designs Super Lancer 220. It was solid blue with rainbow mid panels. Got my first altitude flight at Longhorn Mountain at the north edge of the Wichita Mountains northwest of Lawton, OK, and later my first soaring flight at Buffalo Mountain in east Oklahoma near Talihina. I loved that glider, as I was a big guy at 220 pounds. It was very forgiving on launch and landing, and was a dream to soar in the wonder winds of Buffalo Mt. during late summer afternoons. I recall being parked 1,000 ft. over the mountain and being able to do hands-off soaring in that wing. Occasionally a red-tailed hawk would join me and fly just off my wingtip. The stall was always predictable in that as you gradually pushed the nose up, the inboard panels would start this low-frequency rumble that cued you the stall was coming. I had a few out-landings that came in tight spots, but the Super Lancer was always crisp in a turn and predictable with very little adverse yaw. I also did a lot of truck static-line towing in the flats southeast of Dallas near Ferris with the Super Lancer. Never had an issue with tip stalls or lockouts. In short, the Flight Designs Super Lancer was a great and very safe HG planform for entry-level pilots of the early 1980s, and helped me build a lot of confidence in my flying. I miss that glider.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Astir
Français J’ai eu récemment un Astir d’occasion, après un Stratos. Je n’arrivais pas à le piloter correctement: dur à mettre en virage, puis inclinaison soudaine. Je pensais que c’était du au passage du rigide au souple, jusqu’à ce que j’arrive à traduire le manuel. A la fin, il décrit ce comportement comme l’effet d’une forte tension de voile. J’ai détendu au niveau des extrémités de BA, en faisant des trous de réglage supplémentaires. Un vrai vélo!!! Envoyer traduction
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