Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Rio
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English Pics shown on here are of a Rio 2 which is a much updated model over the original Rio. Pilot weights quoted are clip in.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Next
Français Mon avis sur le NEXT M 14.2m2 Full (tout Technora) acheté neuf en 2022, après 26 h de vols.
Poids pilote 80 kg nu, harnais Switch :
Bonne stabilité, combinée avec une mise en virage facile, très amortie en masse d’air agitée, bonnes performances. Vol en transition agréable (j’utilise l’overdrive comme trim)
Décollages et atterrissages sans soucis.
Mise en œuvre (montage et démontage de l’aile rapide et très optimisé)
Plusieurs possibilités de réglages pour adapter l’aile à son pilotage (je n’ai pas retouché aux réglages d’origines)
Belle finition structure et voile
Un delta vraiment adapté aux vols loisirs.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Magic 6
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English I am not sure where you’re getting your info, but great topic.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Phoenix Mariah
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English prelude to the comet

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Sensor 610
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English the flap system was so great..on the f models

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Sabre
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English trained on an SABRE 140 in 1984 was great

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Seahawk
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English My first glider was a seagull three and in fact I still have the bones of it in my backyard. Great to learn on for ground skimming but I also took numerous high flights on this glider before moving in to an eagle delta cloud. I have many fond memories of my seagull which never really suffered a crash besides a full stall and flutter into the ground on the training hill. I wish it was still air worthy because I’d love to ground skim once again after all these years

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Unknown / Inconnu
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English The photo is copyright Steve Baran. He published an article in the US hang Gliding Magazine, May 1980, page 46 called Sunshine Soaring. Bill Moyes also flew the glider.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Unknown / Inconnu
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English That is John Dickenson, the inventor of the modern hang glider flying the Frigate. The Frigate was built for John by Bill Moyes to John's plans.

Harnais Harnais : Express
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English Bizarre: j'ai du changer le parachute sur ce harnais et j'ai constaté que la boucle de la sangle du para passait dans une sangle cousue au harnais. Impossible de séparer le para sans découdre ou couper sa sangle ou celle du harnais!! ...pire que de l'incompétence pour le fabricant de ce harnais par ailleurs bien conçu.
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