Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Super Scorpion
Français trés belle aile ,l'atlas anglais ! Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Comet
Français J'AI UN COMET . rien que de le dire , c'était déja super hahaha ! Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Colt
Français j'en ai vu des ailes par au dessus avec elle !c'est vraiment une aile saine comme on peut imaginer de mieux Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Standard
Français et ça volait ! et bien ! Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Windfex
Français 21kg pliage court à 2m10 16m2 les lattes sont du tube plastique d'électricien, Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Windfex
Français Aile pratique et intelligente, toute en astuces made in germany. légère, simple à monter, se range sous le lit, se transporte à moto. Je la préfère au funfex qui l'a remplacée. Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Lancer 4
Français Ca ressemble beaucoup au spirale de tecma ! je vole sur cette aile , et vu vos descriptions , ce sont aussi apparement les memes performances ! manaible , facile a poser.. etc , j'adore cette aile ! elle date mais la ou j'habite je ne peux utiliser que ce genre d'aile due a un manque d'espace a l'attero. Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Aolus
Français Envoyer traduction
English I had many wonderful adventures with my Aolus learning cross country in Owens Valley in 1981. It was the second prototype. Carlos Miralles taught me to fly it off Cuesta Ridge in San Luis Obispo, California, and sold it to me for $500. After many hours, I took it to John Reisig at Spectra Aircraft who sleeved its already massive frame it and smoothed out the leading edges. It was a superb thermalling machine. In a strong, smooth core, you could push out past stall and flat-spin at 2000 fps. Unique and unbelievable. With that reflexed tail, it gave you a very secure feeling that it would recover from going over the falls in violent thermals. And fast landings in high-altitude-density air were helped by that bowsprit. When it dropped, you'd fly through the bars and hit the sail (no keel). My buddies who flew their Aoli in Owens Valley were Carlos, Bob Dunn and Mark Hanley. But the thing that made the Aolus such a great thermalling machine, that huge tail, may have kept it from attaining the best l/d between thermals. After I'd moved on to Comet-clones, I loaned it to Bill Dodson around 1985 and he made its last flight from Horseshoe. See for more details.
Rick Masters
Aoli, Comet Clones & Pod People

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Aolus
Français Envoyer traduction
English I had a lot of fun with my Aolus (was it spelled Aeolus originally?) I heard it described as "pitch weird and yaw funky", but I like that. It may have been Carlos who told me that tests had shown the washout tubes to have no needed pitch effect, but that they were put on for pilot expectations. Perhaps I flew without them, I don't recall. Assembly was flat on the ground, with tricky ways of getting that high tension sweep cable/bow sprit in place.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Skypuppy
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English Only about 100 square feet, rudder steering, too fast at my weight for good soaring. Flown in 1986 (?), big flaps worked well. Shown in San Diego, California.
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