Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Aolus
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English Hi everybody , I am inquiring from Italy and would know if anyone can help me in finding a copy of the original construction plans of bow sprit gliders like Spectra Aolus , MosquitoUP, Stratus, etc.

I have in mind to work on the construction of a bow sprit glider similar to all of the above mentioned gliders but with many updates in aerodinamics.

Your help will be much appreciated
Best regards

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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Olympus
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English I believe this is a picture of the Olympus 160 I bought from Ashley Doubtfire back in the 70's.
It was Gerry Breens old glider and I paid about £150 for it in Crickhowell, South Wales.
When I had finished with it, I modified it for the Bogner Birdman rally. However, the modification made it unflyable and it ended up in the sea and sank.
I am now thankful to the RNLI and the frogman who retrieved it.....
Great guys and great days!
By the way, my youngest son is now named after Ashley, my friend and hang gliding pioneer.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Exxtacy
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English BI 160 EXXTACY Maximum pilot weight (kg) :160

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Cumulus 10
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English Datu, you have a Cumulus 5

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Buzz
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English Just emailed the manual for both sizes to this site's email address

Harnais Harnais : Vulto
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English Thanks for the great database

Here is some rotor info




Also - but the hanggliding link did not

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Titan Easy
Français J'ai un Titan easy compétition 135 (pas de câbles de rappel, mais des balestrons ). cette aile pèse le poids d'un sans mat, 38 kg avec la housse. J'ai passé un temps fou pour la régler car elle était asymétrique, avait trop de rappel, et l'écarteur de sangle venait buter sur les montants au poussé final . le constructeur annonce 13,9 de finesse à 45 km/h, mais je n'y crois guère car ça voudrait dire que le taux de chute serait encore de 0,9 m/sec. on en est très loin... Cette aile a besoin d'être chargée ( au moins 75 kg poids nu )sinon elle devient physique. Les atterrissages par vent nul ne sont pas évident forte charge ailaire, petite surface ( 13,5 m2 ou 13,7 m2 ??) mais elle ne fait pas de nez . sinon avec un léger vent de face pas de problème. Dans les thermiques teigneux elle est physique ( sans doute comme la majeure partie des ailes perfo ), pour l'instant je l'ai réglée très légèrement instable des 2 coté et je voudrais la rendre neutre spirale ,ce qui à mon avis est plus confortable. Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Dream
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English I designed the 220 Dream specifically for tandem. It was the firt HMGA certified for same. Bill Bennett insisted no one would buy them. He was wrong. I also build a 240 Dream that I used to instruct in Colorado (7,000' at launch, 6,000' at landing)

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Klingberg
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English I was there and I rember it well...I have photos, Monte did not steel any thing..

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Sting Ray
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English BTW, I have an Dinger Wings Super 90 with over 350 hours on it and it is still like new. It was make in 1976, Dean made some pretty good Kites.
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