Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Ursa 1
Français L'Ursa est le fruit de la volonté d'amélioration des Fledges selon Roberto Stickel.
En effet, les fledge avaient la très mauvaise réputation d'être particulièrement long à monter. La mise en tension des câbles de traînée se fait automatiquement lors du montage du câble de mât arrière. Les bords marginaux sont tendus grâce à un levier qui ne nécessite ni push pin ni boulon. La tension du haubannage inférieur se fait également par un levier situé en haut du trapèze et destiné à abaisser celui-ci, tendant ainsi les câbles de haubannage.
A noter que ce constructeur travaillé sur un Ursa dont un système de palan rendait le profl variable...
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Airfex
Français Le gros avantage, le pliage court à 1.90 à corriger dans les caracteristiques. Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Vision 18
Français La grande particularité de cette aile c'était la géometrie variable qui permettrait le vol, selon l'adjustement, aux pilotes novices comme aux confirmés.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Phoenix
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English I flew the Phoenix with "Austin Delta Wing Kites and Gliders" (a Texas dealer for Bill Bennett Delta Wing Kites & Gliders) when the kite first came out in 1975 or 76. We had it rigged as a tow kite and pulled up behind boats and cars. It was a new swallow-tail design and was so much quieter and smoother than the old 87 degree nose angle Bennett Rogallos the we had been flying up until that time. After release it was a delight compared to what we were used to and it was a definate step forward for the sport. I do remember that when pulling it out of the water, it could easily get banked off to one side, and you could not recover and just had to release the tow line and start over. I owned the predecessor kite, a Bennett 210 (sq ft) which was introduced in about 1974, and my first kite was a Bennett 146 sq ft (Great for learning to tow-kite!) which my dad bought used for me in 1973. My "Kite Show" partner Rusty Whitter and I also flew his two Bennett 186s (sq ft) kites which were both the old Rogallo wing types as well. Rusty's first Bennett 210 was actually the Budweiser Kite.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Relax
Français j'ai essayé cette aile en soaring sur les dunes en Aout 2007, elle est trés belle, trés bien finie, légère, décolle toute seule (!), trés facile à équilibrer dans le vent, maniable, un régal... Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Stealth Kpl 3
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English Landing at VG off - you must flare out aggresively at 43-45km/h.
Landing at 1/3 VG - very comfortable, slow flare at 40 km/h or less

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Sx Super Xtralite
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English I finally towed the SX using pro - tow method even without a fin I thought the whole deal was a no brainer. Conditions were smooth and that helped . Pitch pressures were light and roll was standard I find towing like that gives you great feedback. The VG is very stiff so apply some sailkote to the pulleys and it will free it up. Still I think the SX is underated on the whole and I think it is a stable and predictable glider.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Twister
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English Wy don`t you ask the twister manual to bautek?
Below is its technical data:


Glider model: Twister with Safety Pitch System

Glider class (DHV): 2 - 3

Sail area: 14 m2 (151 ft2)

Span: 10.4 m (34 ft)

Nose angle: 132°

Aspect ratio: 7.7

Double sail: approx. 80%

Pack length: 5.7 m (18.5 ft) long

4.1 m (13.5 ft) short

Number of battens: 29 (8 lower)

Stall speed: approx. 25 km/h (16 mph)

Maximum authorized speed:80 km/h (50 mph–speed limit in FRG)

Minimum sink speed: approx. 35 km/h (19 mph)

Best glide speed: approx. 50 km/h (32 mph)

Authorized take-off weight:minimum 100 kg (220 US lbs) maximum 141 kg (310 US lbs)

Authorized hook-in weight:minimum 66 kg ( US lbs) maximum 107 kg (... US lbs)

Glider weight without cover:34.5 kg (76 US lbs)

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Storm
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English Came out before Atlas and moyes Mega and before 1980. Did not have the preformed airfoil battens atlas and mega boosted and no moving crossbar heretwo massive poles hat to be seperated from the glider when folding it

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Vision Mark 4
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English Hiway Hang Gliders (1983) Ltd has offert the Vision 18, designed by Pacific Windcrat, along with the Excalibur and Explorer2.
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