Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : 229b3
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English The two black and white photographs and the Orange Glider are of the Wasp 229B3 I built from a kit with my Dad in 1974 when I was 15. We thought ourselves to fly at Steyning Bowl in Sussex England. I still have the Glider. Low in performance by today’s standards, but state of the art in1974. My longest flight with this wing was 28 minutes in ridge lift at the 150ft high Mill Hill near Shoreham, Sussex, England. As long as there was 18 to 25 mph of wind blowing ridge soaring was easy. With its flapping sail (at speed) it was a Glider you could always hear coming. But slow it down to ridge soar it was much quieter and really easy to fly. Takeoff was straight forward. Landing also very easy. You know what, I think I’d like to get it out of my garage and fly it again.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : 229b3
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English I bought a Wasp 229 B3 in 1974-5, driving down to the manufacturers to choose a sail colour and collect the 6 page 'Roneo'd' instruction book. The glider flew well, but I quickly retro-fitted a kingpost and a trim bar about a foot from the top of the 'A' frame, which made flying a lot less effort, as I no longer needed to keep the a frame pulled tight against my stomach!

Deltaplane Deltaplane : 229b3
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English My first glider was a wasp. I bought it 1975 in England and it was the model after 229B3, can't find the papers just now but what I can remember the models name was 221C4 where the first number is the size of the sail (sq.feet) and C4 stands for height of controlbar (4feet).
The 221C4 had a lot less wrinkles in the sail than the 229B3.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Hirondelle Sst 100
Français C'est super tous ces infos ! Curieux que cette aile n'ait pas été commentée plus tôt sur ce site, elle était tellement courante à fin des années 70 (celle-ci ou un de ses clones). En regardant la photo, je me dis que la mise en drapeau devait quand-même être possible. Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Hirondelle Sst 100
Français J'en ai eu une pendant 2 ans apres la Mouette.
Elle était incroyable impossible de la mettre en piqué, facile pour faire des renversements, et de l'accrobatie, trés stable revenait toujours au neutre rapidement. je volais aux Agudes et Luchon... trés bons souvenirs.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Sonic
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English I recently purchased a sonic 165 with around 50h the glider is to replace my sting 1 154 while I'm not a sky god I have a bit of experience. I notice the role rate is slightly slower but this may be due to the size. Flair is extra forgiving and landings are a breeze.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Mars
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English There where a limited number of a Mars 190 too. A friend in Sydney still has one. However some of the hardware has been changed to bits from other makes and a few adjustments made. It also has a new light weight sail. But the owner loves it flies it often! I am told it makes an excellent dune glider and the 190 is said to be the best of the Mars wings. I have a 150 but don't like it!

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Mars
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English I actually brought a 2 gliders from the trading post the first had no luff lines and taught myself to fly. I then went for a Mars 170 this was fantastic to fly in comparison. I used to fly at Mt Dandenong Yaragon Balarat Esperance and Speon on The great ocean road, where an instructor once asked to see my rating card while I was setting up. I of course couldn't produce one so he said you can't fly here. When I had been flying there for years as I told him. I waited for him to go up then took off myself. When I wanted to land I simply flew down the ridge over the landing spot and proceeded to feather my drop onto the launch site, I hated to walk back up the hill to the car, so always top landed no matter what. The instructor watching all this from the air comes flying over yelling abuse at me thinking I was someone else and says I've never seen anyone ever land like that. Like as if he couldn't do it so no one else should be doing it. Sometimes I think these instructors are full of em selves, if I could do this without a license or lessons he should have easily done it with his tickets. The Moyes Mars 170 was a great little glider. I haven't flown for years now so maybe the new gliders are much better, but for me I could fly with the others. Mt Dandenong Around the transmition towers was a real buz but a bit rough at times

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Malibu
Français j'ai un Malibu 2 taille 188 pour voler sur les dunes , jepèse 75 kg et là je suis largement au dessus des parapentes au Pyla
Elle est maniable même si ça ne vaut pas un Fun 160, et très agréable a piloter. Décolle toute seule et vole hyper lent
trop facile !
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Shark
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English Hi Jutte......just FYI......I flew the Shark In NZ for three years and later shipped her back to the UK where I continued to fly her ,Tow , ridge soar , Xcountry.....etc etc......the secret to flying her well and making her turn was to fly it fast.....that meant you could'nt treat it like a floater. She had great glide,speed and sink rate but she also required a good experienced pilot to fly her well.....which pretty much proves that a poor inexperienced pilot will not improve his flying skills by jumping onto a hot ship....of course time have changed now and hot ships like the Wills TC2/T3 and Moyes Litespeed RX Pro are better machines for improving pilots to move on to......and probably more forgiving......keep well all.....the wind is picking up!!!
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