Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Stratos
Français Envoyer traduction
English anyone got an manual for this glider?

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Seagull 3
Français Envoyer traduction
English I can recommend to visit to you a site, with an information large quantity on a theme interesting you.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Windfex
Français Envoyer traduction
English In it something is. I thank you for the help in this question, I can too I can than to help that?

Deltaplane Deltaplane : F1
Français Ask Ellipse, they took over Tecma:
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : F1
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English Anyone knows where I can get spar wing tip wands? Any compatible model by other brands?

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Joker
Français Envoyer traduction
English I have pne and really love that.
Please anypne had a manual? Thanks a lot !

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Hermes
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English I loved my Hermes (15 & 12). Loved to srew thermals and then jetting on for open distance.
Unfortunately I lost them in a fire. Still feeling in love

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Nuage
Français J'ai eu un Nuage, bonne aile double surface au comportement sain.
La mienne avait été modifiée (recul du trapèze je crois).
C'était un vrai vélo pour débuter avec déjà de la performance ! Je regrette de l'avoir vendu...
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Spectrum
Français Envoyer traduction
English I had a couple for my Hang Gliding School (Northern HG School) but the tendency to tip stall made me withdraw them. It was a real danger in too-slow turns.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Atlas
Français I have an atlas 16 but ita has no loger its downtubes niether its control bar.
Some knwon the length of those tubes?
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