Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Asg 21
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English I owned and flew an ASG 21.... it was a real hot rod for its time but had a very aggressive stall.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Super Lancer
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English I was one of the test pilots of the lancer 4 and also owned and flew the lancer 4 and 4l for tandem and advertising purposes....such a great machine and so easy and safe to fly. It is a real testimony that even after 40 years this type of design is still great to fly in kites like the Moyes falcon.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Sun
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English This is backwards. Sun is the manufacturer, and Swift is the model.. I remember seeing one around 1978.. Outer 3 fiberglass tip battens were bolted to the leading edge, providing washout for stability. I think the Swift was the last model produced before they went out of business. Sun Sails was located in Colorado, USA, IIRC.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Odyssee
Français Mon pauvre ami, depuis si longtemps, je ne me rappelle plus... Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Odyssee
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English Je possède cette carte et elle est en très bon état. Je veux courir avec lui sur un terrain plat, pas voler. Je suis intéressé par le lieu de capture du pilote: sous la tour ou derrière la tour?

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Ghostbuster
Français Predecessor model to the Axxess and the successor to the Exxtacy, also by Flight Designs. Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Flair30
Flair 30 scematics and spec's. I have it in a JPG but can't put that here.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Falcon 5
Français I got my Falcon V in 1978 and flew it until 1987. So easy to fly, I mean really easy. Hours of fun flying in the far North and South West of Scotland. It is a tidy Wing and was a great replacement for the Falcon IV. Easy launch, easy to ridge soar and a sinch to land. The orange one in the photos is mine.
The Wing was first produced in 1978 and passed all the British & German airworthyness tests.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Phoenix 6d
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English I have a bill bennett. 6/18/80 phoenix 6D Delta wing glider made in van h ca. Wish i had took better care of it .if i had only known it was iconic but i believe its mostly there would like to sell to some one that would enjoy it fiveeightzero fuveseventwo zerozerooneone

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Laminar St
Français j'ai volé une dizaine d'années avec cette aile .C'est une pantoufle ,dès le premier vol j'ai trouvé l'aile facile à décoller, avec une mise en virage évidente et sans effort.L'aile peut voler lentement et même si l'attero est un peu plus précis en terme de moment et de qualité du poussé que la laminar à mat il reste assez facile .En matière de performance on est juste au dessus d'une aile à mat .Par contre dès que l'on accélère les performances sont très en dessous des sans mats modernes type Z7 ou Z9. Envoyer traduction
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