Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Mega 2
Français Envoyer traduction
English I see you have no specs on the Mega 2.I have had mine since 1979 although it has not seen the light of day for 8 years.I will get it out and run you up a few numbers.The frame for the sail was made by ultra sports near Brighton it has been a great glider.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Typhoon
Français J'ai volé avec un typhoon pendant 2/3 ans
je ne sais quel modèle c'était, mais c'était vraiment une bonne aile pour mon niveau de pilotage,
très maniable, et très facile à poser, tout en ayant un comportement très sain
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Super Scorpion
Français ça a été l'aile de mes débuts en ... 1992 !
On a bien volé avec, car on avait pas d'elements de comparaison.
Maniable à l'excès, voir instable, et ce qui pouvait être dangereux, tendance à dérapper grave si on tournait avec trop peu de vitesse.
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Topless 5
Français Tres bonne aile en thermique.
Super compromis facilité pilotage / perfo.
Pieces detachees disponibles rapidement (fabriquant francais).
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Joker
Français Envoyer traduction
English Yep - and it stays up in 12knots on low coastal dunes (20-30ft) and makes a ten-cent-piece (top) landing zone feel like a runway!

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Medil
Français Bien vu... mais à quand le meme en version monoplace, plus légère et pliable en 2 mètres ? Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Klingberg
Français Envoyer traduction
English I met the test pilot of this wing, Monty Bell some time ago and got the following information from him. He stated the wing worked quite well and the pilot in wing design allowed him to walk around inside the wing, even assisting other pilots, with the wing hanging from shoulder straps. Apparently the wing used elevons and a bell shaped lift distribution (after the Hortens) achieved though the carful selection of airfoil sections across the span to control adverse yaw. No tip rudders or additional devices were needed.

Monty states he has a 12 m RC model he still flys - though I never saw it- and retains plans for the full scale version. He said he is looking for a composite engineer so he can build another one.

Monty states he flew the wing repeatedly on numerous occasions with several high flights with no problems and excellent performance easily beating flex wings. Apparently he was testing the wing at Torre Pines and attempted to spin the wing at 300 feet - against the builder Rohl Klingburg's express wishes.

Monty was unable to recover from the spin test so low and crashed the wing. He states the protection inside the wing was so good he escaped mostly uninjured. The designer decide to adandon the project follwing this incident.

There has been speculation that a hole in the center of the wing is what has caused almost all pilot in wing designs to fail - the Delka, Flair, Klingburg wings.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Axxess
Français Flight Design ne produit plus d'aile et rigides. Mais il y a une enterprise qui continue la fabrication des rigides Axxess.

Cette entreprise est :
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Phoenix 6d
Français Envoyer traduction
English I have a copy of the typed 4 page "Phoenix VI-D Owner's Manual" and fact sheet. I also have assorted sales material for Bill Bennett's Delta Wing Kites and Gliders including a neat custom sail design kit that includes a rainbow of colored sticky stripes to "Design your own Super Flying Machine!". I also have a fact sheet for the Lazor II.
I believe I bought the glider in 1980 from Chandelle in San Francisco and flew it mostly in New England. I had some great soaring flights along the Cape Cod cliffs with it in the early '80s. It was a unique looking glider, blue with yellow and red tips!

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Mouette Md
Français ma première aile....l'année je ne sais plus vraiment , quelques beaux souvenirs de mes premiers émois (en delta !) souvenir d'un beau retour à la pente de mon copain jacky charbonnier dans les cotes d'armor (erquy)mais aussi un atterrissage mouvementé à beg leguer (lannion) une cheville douloureuse et un beau survêtement naze , pas trés cher payé pour une auto-rotation .....couleur de mon aile jaune et verte. j'ai toujours la voile mais pas les tubes............ Envoyer traduction
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