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Deltaplane : Exxtacy
Je suis perplexe quant aux données concernant les caractéristiques de l'aile notamment le poids maxi pilote 140 kg pour le petit modèle et 190kg pour le grand.
En étudiant en détail la documentation constructeur (doc-exxtacy.pdf) on trouve des valeurs bien différentes.
Maximales Startgewicht = PTV max = 160 kg pour la grande et 140kg pour la petite.
En retirant le poids de l'aile on trouve un max hook-in-weight de 122kg et 102kg
Quelqu'un a une idée de l'origine des données présentées sur ce site ?
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Deltaplane : Cyclone
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I saw an early cyclone violently "tucking" on Mill Hill near Brighton. Must have been 1978 or 1979. I was preparing for launch myself watching this cyclone soaring above all other gliders. A little late the pilot decided to come in for a top landing and at his downwind leg he probably stalled, dived and then we saw him pushing the bar to try to recover attitude but instead of that the glider picked up more and more speed until the glider tucked with a violent just before impacting the ground. The tuck broke the glide and amazingly also its speed, and the pilot miraculously survived with a slight concussion after some hill side bushes had broken his fall even more. He was very lucky to survive! I spoke to him the next day. he was talking about getting a new glider because he couldn't wait to fly again...
Deltaplane : Pamir
Mon voisin m'a légué sa Pamir. Le delta a peu volé, semble très propre. Je suis parapentiste et n'ai jamais essayé un tel engin. C'est peut-être l'occasion d'apprendre le delta!
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Deltaplane : Sensor 610
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The best most comfortable hang glider I ever flown. It gave me the confidence and easy calculating of everything. Extremly easy to catch thermal.
Deltaplane : Meter 80
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This photo is a 1980 10 Meter, which was available in three models, the 9, 10, and 11 Meter. It looked more like a Seahawk than earlier models, with a longer keel, and taller keel pocket.
Deltaplane : Rumour 3
bjr a tous nostalgie je possede et vol tjrs avec le rumour3 bien sur la perfo est depassée mais quel bonheur de voler avec cette aile je l avais achetée neuve a stephane scorpio solide, rapide ,costaud anodisée or du haut de mes 66 ans je me sent en securité le seul defaut ;je n en trouve pas slt les amis
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Deltaplane : Medium
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My favorite hangglider of all time with the Seedwing Sensor. I had the chance to fly lots of different HG, the Tecma Medium has been the most fun and safest HG of em all. It’s handling at super low speed is amazing, you can turn while stall, easy turn reversal, good sink rate, nice to land, light on the control... if I can ever find a low time one again, i’ll jump on it :-)
Deltaplane : Sun
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I had a swift in 1977/8. It was brought to UK by an American friend and I bought it when he retuned to US. The battens were bolted to the leading edge and the outer one was doubled up, which I was told was a factory mod to help prevent tumbling!!! Apparently there had been a few accidents. The glider was very fast and could soar in the lightest breeze, it was however very difficult to turn as a consequence of the bolted battens. I flew it alongside the pheonix 6b, SST the best of the rest and it was never out classed. It did receive a lot of negative press on the safety concerns which I expect assisted Sun’s demise.
Deltaplane : Lancer 4
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Very sorry to hear about John, that's news to me. He was a fine pilot and he and his partner and friend Dean Kupchanko were a couple wild and crazy property developers in the late '70s when we did the film together. Amazing pilots both of them. Sorry to hear you've left us John. My good memories of flying with you at Grouse and Mt. Swansea will stay with me until it's my time to catch the last thermal.Rest in lift.