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>>> Deltaplane MARS

Accueil bible » Deltaplane : Mars

Si vous avez des informations complémentaires (ex : spécificité du pilotage, particularités diverses, photos...) sur le deltaplane Mars fabriqué par Moyes, ajoutez votre commentaire (en bas de page) ou écrivez nous:

Fiche deltaplane : Mars
Nom :
Fabricant :
Année :
Niveau de pilotage :
Manuel :
Document(s) :
Modèle :
Surface (m²) :
Envergure(m) :
Allongement :
Poids de l'aile (kg) :
Poids pilote mini (kg) :
Poids pilote maxi (kg) :
Vitesse mini (km/h) :
Vitesse maxi (km/h) :
Finesse maxi (L/H) :
Vitesse à finesse maxi (km/h) :
Taux de chute mini (m/s) :
Longueur pliée (m) :
Longueur mini (m) :
Nombre de lattes :
Angle de nez (°) :


Jim Rooney

I've got a bit of info for you on the Moyes Mars
I currently have two of them that I'm teaching with... they're very
nice learner gliders. (I've only just finished repairing the second
one to flying condition). I can't find the manuals or specs for them
online and I have to determine which size each one of mine is.

Some things I've dug up so far...
There seems to be a 150 model and a 170
I believe I have a 150, though I have to see if I can find a data
plate. When I get the two together, I'll be able to determine if
they're the same size or different.

The Mars 170 has a maximum flying weight of 122 kg.
Glider weight appears to be 22 kg.

They are very lightweight gliders with docile handling (even for a
single surface glider).
They have locked crossbars, predating the floating crossbar, and need
to be flat rigged because of this. The hang straps slide to the front
of the keel when de-rigged and are held to the crossbar junction by a
strap when rigged. Failure to connect this strap can prove fatal and
is my only complaint with the glider.

[Traduction du commentaire original en Anglais]
L'aile sur la photo n'est pas un Mars 150 ; c'est quelque chose d'autre. Le Mars 150 avait une transversale flottante située au-dessus de la quille ; la photo montre une transversale fixe sous la quille.


I actually brought a 2 gliders from the trading post the first had no luff lines and taught myself to fly. I then went for a Mars 170 this was fantastic to fly in comparison. I used to fly at Mt Dandenong Yaragon Balarat Esperance and Speon on The great ocean road, where an instructor once asked to see my rating card while I was setting up. I of course couldn't produce one so he said you can't fly here. When I had been flying there for years as I told him. I waited for him to go up then took off myself. When I wanted to land I simply flew down the ridge over the landing spot and proceeded to feather my drop onto the launch site, I hated to walk back up the hill to the car, so always top landed no matter what. The instructor watching all this from the air comes flying over yelling abuse at me thinking I was someone else and says I've never seen anyone ever land like that. Like as if he couldn't do it so no one else should be doing it. Sometimes I think these instructors are full of em selves, if I could do this without a license or lessons he should have easily done it with his tickets. The Moyes Mars 170 was a great little glider. I haven't flown for years now so maybe the new gliders are much better, but for me I could fly with the others. Mt Dandenong Around the transmition towers was a real buz but a bit rough at times


There where a limited number of a Mars 190 too. A friend in Sydney still has one. However some of the hardware has been changed to bits from other makes and a few adjustments made. It also has a new light weight sail. But the owner loves it flies it often! I am told it makes an excellent dune glider and the 190 is said to be the best of the Mars wings. I have a 150 but don't like it!


Perhaps more information can be found with Ken de Russy, instructor extraordinaire and keeper of hang gliding history in Anacortes, WA, USA. I found this number from XC Mag, which coincides with the phone I have for him: 360 293 8621


G'day, I worked at Moyes 1983-89 & was an instructor for a few years. There were 3 sizes of Mars - 150, 170 & 190.
The 170 was the main one built in large numbers through the 1980s. It's a good robust glider that lasts for decades if properly stored and looked after. The 170 was good to teach on. It is a bit heavy as Bill Moyes made them solid with items like the heavy custom made stainless steel A-frame fittings and slightly larger than really necessary tubing but that is what also helped make them robust.
The 150 was made in 1983 for lighter weight people and esp. for Kim, Steve Moyes' life partner. As I was about 60-65kg at the time, the 170 was my correct size but I was close to/in the top of the range for the 150 and it handled really easily for me. Really sweet for turning & chandelles but too soft to fang hard wingovers with my weight. It was usually my favourite to test fly first at Stanwell. Also good for dune flying and I had a great flight on 12/11/83 off Kurnell sand dunes in the pink & black prototype in front of Bill Moyes. I was dune soaring in a NE wind while Bill & others were checking for sail twist and wrinkles, when a bubble broke off and I was able to gain about 60-80ft and do a 360 off a dune. I think Bill loved the advertising in front of all the students learning that day! Some 150s used Swiss tube that was lighter and more flexible for really light weight people.
The 190 was for the big boys, say 90+kg and not many were made.
I would happily fly an old Mars today if it had been stored dry/dark so the sail and tubes were not faded/corroded. I would replace wires regardless of appearances because there can be hidden corrosion between the swages and wire. Wires need replacing reasonably frequently depending on salt & humidity in the area you fly esp. if flying at a beach site and landing on sand.


PS, regarding how robust early Moyes gliders like the Mars are, Bill Moyes had started off in boat towing hang gliders with heavy stresses suddenly placed on the glider by the tow rope suddenly pulling. In those early days gliders broke because of pilot or driver or observer error leading to high tow pressures & glider stresses. As the Mars 170 was made to suit the old style boat towing, Bill ensured it could handle higher stresses than those normally encountered in hill launching.