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>>> Hang glider LITEWING

Bible home » Hang glider : Litewing

If you have additional information (ex: specificity of piloting, various characteristics...) on the hang glider Litewing by Michael Sandlin, you can supplement his card by adding your comment or write to us :

Hang glider card : Litewing
Name :
Manufacturer :
Michael Sandlin
Year :
Pilot level :
Manual :
Document(s) :
Hang glider model :
Wing area (m²) :
Wing span(m) :
Aspect ratio :
Hang glider weight (kg) :
Minimum pilot weight (kg) :
Maximum pilot weight (kg) :
Minimum speed (km/h) :
Maximum speed (km/h) :
Max glide ratio (L/H) :
Max glide ratio speed (km/h) :
Minimum sink rate (m/s) :
Packed length (m) :
Packed length short (m) :
Number of battens :
Nose angle (°) :


[Translation of the original French comment]
The Litewing series attempted to turn back the clock to the era of 35 lb. hang gliders. This is hard to do with today's performance expectations, especially considering my crude sail making, but it was fun and adventurous. If you are going to be a hang glider test pilot you must have heroic legs!