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>>> Hang glider DELKA

Bible home » Hang glider : Delka

If you have additional information (ex: specificity of piloting, various characteristics...) on the hang glider Delka by Salsa / Kalbermatten Laurent, you can supplement his card by adding your comment or write to us :

Hang glider card : Delka
Name :
Manufacturer :
Salsa / Kalbermatten Laurent
Year :
Pilot level :
Manual :
Document(s) :
Hang glider model :
Wing area (m²) :
Wing span(m) :
Aspect ratio :
Hang glider weight (kg) :
Minimum pilot weight (kg) :
Maximum pilot weight (kg) :
Minimum speed (km/h) :
Maximum speed (km/h) :
Max glide ratio (L/H) :
Max glide ratio speed (km/h) :
Minimum sink rate (m/s) :
Packed length (m) :
Packed length short (m) :
Number of battens :
Nose angle (°) :



A full article on the delka can be found in Cross Country Magazine, with some infomation also available on Stewart Midwinter's rigid wing site.

The glider was one of the few pilot in wing concepts attempted. Apparently it flew well enough on early test flights with weight shift for pitch control, and tip rudders for roll however weight shift for pitch must have been compromised with the pilot moved inside the wing (no pendular agumentation). The article in CC implies that pitch control was some how assisted by control surfaces but none can be seen on the wing other than the rudders so perhaps a dual deflection was intended.

Apparently the test pilot Didier Favre was killed on testing due to structural failure. Laurent Kalbermatten dropped the concept however has proceeded with the Woopy Fly, a kind of paraglider hang glider hybrid which looks to be available soon.
