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Bible home » Harness : Competition

If you have additional information (ex: specificity, various characteristics, problems...) on the harness Competition by Ellipse, you can supplement his card by adding your comment or write to us :

Harness card : Competition
Name :
Manufacturer :
Harness Type :
Year :
Document(s) :
Hang glider model :
Weight (kg) :
Taille Pilote (m) :
Réglage Assiette :


[Translation of the original French comment]
Very good harness, very well conceived, solid but the counterpart a bit heavy, oke for straightening before landing, removible tracks, radio pocket and drag parachute extra!

[Translation of the original French comment]
After an accident a defect was found in a serie of the competition harness Ellipse; a serie which started in 2001. The harness cable can cut through the seam of the cable attachment of the parachute, when a sudden (strong) stress is applied.
As a response, Ellipse has immediately contacted all owners of the harness concerned. The owners of such a harness are requested to contact Ellipse right away, so that necessary modifications of the harness can be done.