If you have additional information (ex: specificity of piloting, various characteristics...) on the hang glider Combat L by Aeros, you can supplement his card by adding your comment or write to us :
Combat L 13
poids total sous l aile - 87 kg, harnais - Aeros Viper S, temperature au sol : 12°C, VG on
finesse maxi 16,7
taux de chute mini – 0.8 m/s vers 45 km/h
avec -2M/S a 75 km/h
Improved version of the Stealth Combat line. The "L" is used to denote "Lightweight" as it uses more carbon fiber than its predecessors, most noteably the battons. It retains the usual quick Aeros handling, but is more yaw stable than the Combat II. It is lighter, cleaner and faster.. as you would expect a competition glider to be.
Im just wondering, the minimal speed is 29km/h and the max glide ratio speed is 16 km/h. Probably the units are m/s?
we must go back a line reading counts!
this is the max fine. not speed ...!
Bonjour , je voudrais acheter le deltaplane combat L . Ou est ce que je peut trouver leurs adresse ou tel.
Merci pour ce site..
Juste pour savoir,la vitesse de la finesse maxi est indiqué à 16 km/h
Y'a pas un soucis ???