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>>> Harness FLEX

Bible home » Harness : Flex

If you have additional information (ex: specificity, various characteristics, problems...) on the harness Flex by Woody valley, you can supplement his card by adding your comment or write to us :

Harness card : Flex
Name :
Manufacturer :
Woody valley
Harness Type :
Year :
Document(s) :
Hang glider model :
Weight (kg) :
Taille Pilote (m) :
Réglage Assiette :


[Translation of the original French comment]
I've flown for some time with a Scorpio which was a bit too small, and which didn't have a pitch tuning. I was a bit inclined with the harnass, making landing very easy. I changed it for a Woody Vally Flex, very comfortable, but it didn't have a rail. I adjusted it for flight with my head a little low (I feel the wing better in this position) but the landing becomes more technical, and I'm obliged to adjest the pitch angle before every landing. This doesn't give any problems, you just have to know. The landing is thus a bit more technical, but the advantage of a position a bit more lay-down is that it's more easy to land on the wheels, when necessary...

[Translation of the original French comment]
The harness Flex, made on measurements, is fine, with pockets everywhere where needed, angle of attack adjustable by a cord and pin, no carbon shell in the back, but two glass-fibre plates allowing a flexible harness in the upright position when landing. In short, a very comfortable harness for a moderate price.