Si vous avez des informations complémentaires (ex : spécificité du pilotage, particularités diverses, photos...) sur le deltaplane Axxess fabriqué par Flight Design, ajoutez votre commentaire (en bas de page) ou écrivez nous:
Flight Design ne produit plus d'aile et rigides. Mais il y a une enterprise qui continue la fabrication des rigides Axxess.
Cette entreprise est :
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I own an Axxess, and done some examinations, mostly our of own curiosity.
The original Axxess and the Axxess+ are more different than Axxess+ being a successor. The Axxess is successor of the Exxtacy. Axxess has hinged half foldable parts ribs, special combined rounded and diagonal outmost rib, and when transported needs to have ailerons and flaps detached.
The Axxess+ is more a successor of the Ghostbuster, also with influence from Solar Wings Eclipse, which is directly a variant of Ghostbuster. Flight Design acquired the patent of the Jurgen Lutz folding rig concept, which makes this to a foldable whole-part rib system. Also then possible to allow the spoilerons and flaps stay attached on sail when derigged.