Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Flair30
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English The current "tribal knowledge" about this glider is mostly wrong. It is based mostly on speculation and incorrect aerodynamic concepts. I have recently completed a formal VLM aero analysis of the design showing the sources of both the poor performance and the ultimate fatal crash. I'm currently finishing a set of videos on YouTube that detail the technical results of my analysis. You can begin that series here:

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Axxess
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English I own an Axxess, and done some examinations, mostly our of own curiosity.

The original Axxess and the Axxess+ are more different than Axxess+ being a successor. The Axxess is successor of the Exxtacy. Axxess has hinged half foldable parts ribs, special combined rounded and diagonal outmost rib, and when transported needs to have ailerons and flaps detached.

The Axxess+ is more a successor of the Ghostbuster, also with influence from Solar Wings Eclipse, which is directly a variant of Ghostbuster. Flight Design acquired the patent of the Jurgen Lutz folding rig concept, which makes this to a foldable whole-part rib system. Also then possible to allow the spoilerons and flaps stay attached on sail when derigged.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Vulcan
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English Update: I've been told by the sailmaker who made the prototype sail that the Vulcan eventually saw production with the addition of rudders, a canard, and a motor. It was marketed as the "Eagle."

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Magic 6
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English I believe that this was also marketed in the US by Pacific Airwave as the Formula. It probably had a few minor differences in the airframe, since Airwave UK had its own hardware.

It had the same planform as the Magic Kiss, but a looser sail and more dihedral made it a far easier glider to fly. Its sink rate was comparable to the Kiss, but it lacked the Kiss's glide at speed.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Javelin
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English A clarification: The Javelin was built by Flight Designs (not Design) which was located in Salinas, California. It was designed by Jean-Michel Bernasconi as a counterpart to the La Mouette Atlas that could pass US certification requirements. It was easy to handle, launch, and land and had a decent sink rate. I owned one for a few years and gave it to another pilot who used it for a trainer.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Mars
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English PS, regarding how robust early Moyes gliders like the Mars are, Bill Moyes had started off in boat towing hang gliders with heavy stresses suddenly placed on the glider by the tow rope suddenly pulling. In those early days gliders broke because of pilot or driver or observer error leading to high tow pressures & glider stresses. As the Mars 170 was made to suit the old style boat towing, Bill ensured it could handle higher stresses than those normally encountered in hill launching.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Mars
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English G'day, I worked at Moyes 1983-89 & was an instructor for a few years. There were 3 sizes of Mars - 150, 170 & 190.
The 170 was the main one built in large numbers through the 1980s. It's a good robust glider that lasts for decades if properly stored and looked after. The 170 was good to teach on. It is a bit heavy as Bill Moyes made them solid with items like the heavy custom made stainless steel A-frame fittings and slightly larger than really necessary tubing but that is what also helped make them robust.
The 150 was made in 1983 for lighter weight people and esp. for Kim, Steve Moyes' life partner. As I was about 60-65kg at the time, the 170 was my correct size but I was close to/in the top of the range for the 150 and it handled really easily for me. Really sweet for turning & chandelles but too soft to fang hard wingovers with my weight. It was usually my favourite to test fly first at Stanwell. Also good for dune flying and I had a great flight on 12/11/83 off Kurnell sand dunes in the pink & black prototype in front of Bill Moyes. I was dune soaring in a NE wind while Bill & others were checking for sail twist and wrinkles, when a bubble broke off and I was able to gain about 60-80ft and do a 360 off a dune. I think Bill loved the advertising in front of all the students learning that day! Some 150s used Swiss tube that was lighter and more flexible for really light weight people.
The 190 was for the big boys, say 90+kg and not many were made.
I would happily fly an old Mars today if it had been stored dry/dark so the sail and tubes were not faded/corroded. I would replace wires regardless of appearances because there can be hidden corrosion between the swages and wire. Wires need replacing reasonably frequently depending on salt & humidity in the area you fly esp. if flying at a beach site and landing on sand.

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Mars
Français Limite opérationnel (vitesse mini décrochage) mars 150,avec pilote 83 kg:37 km/h;mars 170,avecpilote 93kg:35km/h.
Vitesse Max autorisée :80 km/h
Finesse Max:vers les 40 km/h
Charge utile minimun(pilote plus équipements)
Mars 150:49 kg/Mars 170:60kg
Charge utile max
Mars 150: norme SHV 70Kg,norme DHV 80Kg
Mars 170:norme SHV 100kg,norme DHV 111kg
Caracteristique des premières Mars, dans les années 80.
Dans les années 2000,ils y a eut de légères amélioration concernant les poids des pilotes:M170,année 2001, poid de 82kg à
Mars150D,année 2003,de 70 à 100kg pour pilote et matos(plus large).
Ces ailes sont parfaites pour le remorquage. Avec le temps, l'usure, les voiles se tendent, ce qui font tanguage cabreuse. (donc détendre les voiles en bout de cane/bout de plumes), pour meilleurs stabilité.. au neutre.Enfin, tout un arts de réglage avec de '' vieilles ailes delta, ou en général, les caractéristiques d'ailes débutants, se ressemble dans les '' performances''.. et les réglages du au vieillissement (le dacron, se temps, et évite l' élasticité entre le nez et les plumes'bout d'ailes'ce qui fait cabré l'aile... Histoire de réglage suit usure... Très intéressant techniquement.. Faut que ça vie...
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Deltaplane Deltaplane : Combat L
Français Je pose la question à Aeros pour avoir l'info Envoyer traduction

Deltaplane Deltaplane : Combat L
Français Merci pour ce site..
Juste pour savoir,la vitesse de la finesse maxi est indiqué à 16 km/h
Y'a pas un soucis ???
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