Delta Club 82 école de deltaplane près de Toulouse Montauban
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>>> Harness KELLER

Bible home » Harness : Keller

If you have additional information (ex: specificity, various characteristics, problems...) on the harness Keller by Keller, you can supplement his card by adding your comment or write to us :

Harness card : Keller
Name :
Manufacturer :
Harness Type :
Year :
Document(s) :
Hang glider model :
Weight (kg) :
Taille Pilote (m) :
Réglage Assiette :


[Translation of the original French comment]
It's a very good harnass which is a bit old, but very comfortable and secure. Despite its profiled form, there is a very large air inlet below the shoulder, which creates a large drag. The pitch is not adjustable, because the harnass is completely flexible (mousse). The parachute is placed on the belly and there is a pocket for a radio below it, as well as another pocket for the wing protections.
I've flown with this harnass for 3 years and I'm pleased by it, despite its high drag.

[Translation of the original French comment]
I confirm, a harness very comfartable, but a bit difficult to turn and lots of drag.


Petite correction: ce harnais possède un réglage d'assiette. En effet, une plaque au sommet permet de choisir trois position d'assiette en déplaçant le point d'attache du mousqueton principal...
Harnais véritablement très confortable que je recommande pour les vols longs et turbulents...
Il est totalement indestructible.